10.18.2021Monday, October 18, 2021

Mixing up our homeschooling routine

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    To make homeschooling a tad more exciting I incorporate classes and sports such as gymnastics and music class. I join as many mom groups as I can as they generally have wonderful ideas and we get together for play dates. Play dates are inexpensive and a great way for children to practice social skills and sharing. I keep up with all these ideas and gatherings with this these planners each year.

Have you tried Tinkergarten classes for your children? They are a fabulous way for your children to socialize and explore nature.

Find homeschooling activities, games and things homeschooling parents can even appreciate by clicking here to our homeschooling-finds list.

Outschool has plenty of classes for children.

Little Passports


    I love taking my little one to a nature park or public park when the weather is nice for our version of recess. There are usually plenty of other children for him to play with and our local schools only allow about thirty-minutes of play time. I am usually there a lot longer than that; I think small children learn best by playing. 

    Getting work books from my local dollar store are great for things such as handwriting skills or working math problems. I have found cute diners or lunch spots to work on activities such as this while we wait on our order. It is a great time to plan our day or week as well as chat about anything we choose. After we usually take a walk or do some computer assignments once we get back home. 

   The library is a great resource as they usually have computers for children's ages with educational resources and games available. I take my son to a library quite often and let him pick out books I can read to him and he can practice reading to me. KidPass has virtual classes galore for children.


   We switch it up a bit and go to various libraries; some I find I like better than others which is okay! As long as we are getting out the house; plus the library is free. Community centers often offer low cost recreational sports and activities as well. These days so many parents choose to home school so a lot of the museums and children's places in our area offer home school specific programs and events. 

   I do not just use one home school curriculum as there are some things I do not like about it. I mix it up and do it as my main priority but add other ideas from other homeschooling programs as well. My area also has large home school groups that put on events such as proms, school dances and parents night outs. If your area does not offer one; consider starting your very own and promoting it free on social media. 

   I love the idea of teaching my child myself; besides I was always pretty experienced working with children. It was always a goal of mine to home school and I absolutely love it. I am able to travel with my child throughout the school year but still make learning a priority and keep it fun. 

Pottery Painting Kit

   To teach my son responsibility I have him complete school before we do other activities so he knows important things come before play. I allow him to take breaks about every twenty to forty minutes. We start with breakfast, computer work his main curriculum requires, free time and usually a field trip a few times a week. 

    Keeping costs down is what I strive to do since we get out so much. Therefore I get as many yearly season passes to zoos, museums and aquariums as I can. I love a good museum; they can be so educational and often have children play areas. I find many free festivals online; especially around fall and holiday shopping months.


   I hope you are hanging in there with your home school routine. The first year was a lot of trial and error for us but we make it work. I am always up for a challenge and I love the quality time I get with my child. He still has plenty of time to play with friends once they return from school and I enjoy not dealing with long car pooling lines; or hearing about school bullies. Homeschooling is not for everyone; some parents must go to a certain job or love their jobs. 

   This is just my ideas on how I have made homeschooling a tad more enjoyable for my child and I. Whether or not you home school or not; maybe the ideas above can help you get out of your normal studying or tutoring routine. Happy learning!