3.21.2021Sunday, March 21, 2021

Want to start a blog?

    Have you been considering starting your very own blog? Do you love writing, journaling or creating content? If so...then blogging may be a great fit for you! I am often asked if people really make money by blogging...and some really do. Some professional bloggers earn thousands per week!

    Although it is common; I did not earn much starting off blogging starting out. However; do not let that discourage you because many people can create a full-time income in just under twelve months or less blogging. Everyone's earnings will vary; here are my my tips to how to start and monetize a successful blog below.

If you want to make a full-time income blogging then you have to look at it is an actual business. Some bloggers have actual employees and average about $10K a month. You will need to pick a blog name, niche and be consistent. 

Eventually I started earning with my blog; one week I made $700 alone with one affiliate program. I will get into more of that later in the blog post...I hope this helps some of you out there wanting to start a blog that makes money.


 Since I was a little girl; writing had been therapeutic to me. I was bored often since I was not in those fancy dance classes or had siblings. Therefore; writing was my outlet. As an adult I learned you can actually make a lot of money blogging. Many moms, dads and college students have made thousands per month blogging. You can too.

   That brings me to the next part...and the fun part. And that's money, honey. "Wait; can you make money blogging?" I get that question quite frequently. The short answer is yes. But it is not easy always. And it's quite rare until you gain a following and learn about what you are doing. It can all be time-consuming for sure.

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   You do not need a large following to start earning. Besides; everyone has to start somewhere. Some smaller bloggers still get interaction on their posts and can do well blogging. I was in fact earning from my blog with a very small following. I did not spend money on marketing either. Some bloggers earn thousands or millions each year. It is up to you to get out and market your blog. 

   I did not start off earning a lot but it still some...and I loved it so much...it did not feel like work whatsoever. Besides; blogging to me was so much easier than doing the other work at home options where I had to buy inventories and ask people to join a team or host parties.

  There are plenty of perks besides me enjoying blogging personally. I did not have to buy some large starter kit for one...and I can control my own schedule. 

    You do not have to be a "perfect writer."  In fact; many bloggers write as if they are speaking to their friends in their blog posts. This can even make their blog so much more personable for their specific audience. Every blogger is unique so some blogs even just have photography or podcast episodes. 

  After years of doing various types of "practice" and "just for fun" blogs; I wanted to finally make a post to hopefully help someone interested in the world of blogging. 

   In case you find yourself over-thinking starting your blog; realize you can write your blog just as you speak. It does not have to be some super perfect art-piece. Everyone is unique and blogs are not books in a library. I make mine fun and let my personality shine through.

   Many people think blogging is easy or you will suddenly get all of these free products sent to you...and it does not necessarily work that way. You do not need a large following or blog to gain sponsorships or earn money blogging...but you do need some consistency.

   Pick a blog niche. What do you want your blog to be about? What is a topic you could literally talk about on and on...and not need to study or prepare for? What is something you find yourself "passionate" about or talking to your friends about excessively? 

    I love talking all things family, fun, food....so I did a lifestyle blog. Many bloggers do not feel lifestyle blogs are or can be as "successful," however not all agree and I blog for fun; not just to earn extra income. 

   That brings me to my next point. I suggest only blogging if it is something you genuinely love and enjoy. Do not expect to have a million hits on your blog overnight. For many bloggers; it takes years of hard work and dedication. 

   That would include posting on a schedule so your followers know when to expect to hear from you. Ever find a podcast you enjoy and after a few episodes...the hosts just vanish? Yeah. Awkward. 

    Sure; you may get burnt out but maybe post once a week if you want to by a hobbyist blogger or five days a week if you want to be a full-time blogger.     

   You are going to want to blog legally so talk to a tax professional and accountant to figure out things you can even possibly write off. Be sure to save a portion of earnings for taxes if you are generating income blogging.    

   Anyone can just set up a blog but to generate traffic in order to monetize your blog is a whole other “ballgame.” 

   Be sure to read the entire blog post before getting started since skipping all the steps can be quite overwhelming. I did things a little backwards getting started; when I was forgetting all these useful tools to help me along the way. 

   For creating content I love using the free version of the app Canva; although the have a paid version as well that is great. I use this handy app to create images useful to the content I am writing about.    

    Purchase your domains once you decide on a blog name. I suggest using the same name for instagram, twitter, etc. to make it easier for your followers to find and search. Popular Domains for just 99 Cents at Namecheap!

     I also create images for content such as my podcast to help promote the episodes that go live. I suggest creating about 3-5 images to go along with each blog post; then add those on Pinterest using a very descriptive description along with hashtags. 
    Before you get started doing all of that; you’re going to want to launch and create your blog. 

    Choose your host for your blog. Some people opt for Bluehost. I get the traffic from my blog using the Tailwind app; which schedules my Pinterest posts...which in return saves me so much time. Not into the above options or already tried? No fear! Other option: Launch Your Site Today For Free with Alpha Hosting!


Interact on social media with your followers, reply to blog comments and I suggest spending most of your time on pinterest as it is a search engine. That is again; where Tailwind will come in. See; I got you covered. 

   Another program to schedule posts to automatically post for you; while you’re offline, on vacation or doing other tasks is Crowdfire.   

    You do not need both tailwind and Crowdfire but I feel Crowdfire has more social media places to also schedule posts for you; even with their free option.    If you want to be a more serious blogger; I highly recommend the programs listed above. Not only can it save you lots of hard work; many bloggers swear by the programs.  

    Get a newsletter to generate more traffic and keep the traffic you are getting coming back for more updates from your blog. This is super important to do as a professional blogger. I suggest mailerlite.

     For years I did not use programs to help me with blogging and I spent countless amounts of time online doing it all myself. Sure; you can or you can enjoy my family time and time for yourself with helpful programs made for professionals such as bloggers.

Need help with a basic logo to get started? I suggested investing in a better one with a graphic designer later if you become more serious. You want to brand yourself.

This blog post contains affiliate links