2.13.2020Thursday, February 13, 2020

20 Valentine’s Day gift ideas for children...that aren’t candy!

I love candy and I’m not a mom that has a no candy rule. However; I do love gifts that involve no candy so here are some ideas:

  1. Books
  2. Movies
  3. Stickers
  4. Craft kits or diy projects 
  5. Gift cards or season passes to children museums or indoor playgrounds
  6. Legos 
  7. Movie theater passes or gift cards 
  8. Play doh 
  9. Kinetic sand 
  10. Amusement park gift cards or passes 
  11. Puzzles
  12. A trip to an aquarium 
  13. Stuffed animals 
  14. Bubbles
  15. Karaoke machine or musical instruments 
  16. Video games or educational apps
  17. Subscription boxes for children 
  18. Chalk
  19. Balloons
  20. Rent a bouncy house for your back yard 

Candy can still be used if you do not have the extra money for toys or gifts. That is okay!

Pictured above is a Valentine’s bucket I created from things just at my local dollar tree.